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Albany’s dual naming project is nearing completion, click on the link below to watch a 30 minute program from 2019, inspired by the project go-ahead and featuring Menang Elders Lester Coyne, Vernice Gillies, Averil Dean, Aden Eades, Larry Blight, Robbie Miniter and Di Williams, talking about their country and long attachment to it.
Noongar Boodja – Place names documentary – YouTube
Albany’s dual naming project is going ahead. Soon, all signposted landmarks in the Albany area will have their original Menang name written alongside the English language name given since settlement.
Watch Ezzard Flowers beautiful tribute to his ancestors and country; The story of return to the Noongar Boodja for the descendants of Bessy Cameron Flowers.
NITV clip dedicated to genuine Aboriginal artefacts from Mokae’s era returned to the Menang boodja by the Britsh Museum 180 years after being collected by Albany’s first Resident Magistrate,